Saturday, September 13, 2008

Not getting lost/Iowa

I'm in Iowa now, staying with a couple friends from high school. I guess there isn't that much to say about Iowa. There are bars and college kids and its humid and flat. I played a bunch of pool, and watched Cal get trounced by a worthy opponent in Maryland.

I am officially done with the train portion of this trip. It was a safe, at times comfortable, at times uncomfortable, slow way to get around. I'm glad I did it, and I'm glad I don't have to do it anymore.

The balance of my time in Wyoming with Chicory and Cliff was great! We hung around the house, went jogging, drank whiskey, made lots of good food, drove Cliff nuts playing the same dang song over and over, and didn't get lost at all. I had some skinny blond cowgirl buy me a beer at Mulligan's bar downtown. They also demanded that I advertise their place when I am on TV at the world series of poker. The lady had a good idea I was going to make it, even though I don't play tournaments. Oh well. With a face like this, I can understand.

Me and Chic (I hate how "Chicory and I" sounds, even though I know its correct, sorry) did go on another hike, but this one was above the treeline and had a more defined trail, so we managed not to get lost. We also brought enough food, water and clothing to invade Russia during the dead of winter. We got up to about 12,000 feet at the summit of Medicine Bow Peak. It was gorgeous and the weather was good etc etc. Laramie was really fun, I miss hanging out with Chic and Cliff already. Who is going to save me when I get lost in the Boundary Waters? Its a long way for Cliff to get there, I might get eaten by mosquitos/mooses/trout/cannibals or whatever else is lurking in woods.

If you are thinking about going to visit Chicory and Cliff, you should - its beautiful there:

Also, they give great presents (even though they are really awkward about giving them). I got the styling hat I am wearing in the above photograph, along with a hip-flask. This flask is the only reason I survived the 4-hour-late screaming child/redneck laden train wreck (metaphor) of a train trip from Denver, CO to Mt. Pleasant, IA (euphemism).

Anyway I am off to Minnesota on Monday morning to go canoeing for a while, then maybe on a road trip with Molly for a couple days to where Bob Dylan was born and some other places. She is in charge.

I've been on the road for over a month now, and I am so grateful to all the people that have gone out of their way to accommodate me. Seeing old friends has certainly been the main thing keeping me going out here. Well, that and the fact that there is someone sleeping in my bed back home, so I have nowhere else to go really.

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