Friday, August 15, 2008

welcome to the jungle

Went to the zoo yesterday. I love the zoo. But it was easily 900 degrees out in Portland, so all the critters were super tired:

And apparently the zookeepers got sleepy too, because one of the rare, endangered Siberian Calico Snow Leopards escaped its cage. I was lucky to escape with the loss of a couple fingers in the attack, everyone knows that the Snow Leopard is the most ferocious predator in the animal kingdom.

Also went to a Portland Beavers/Fresno Grizzlies minor league baseball game. It was hot there as well. Got 4th row seats behind the plate for 12 bucks, which was fun. I was sitting next to a bunch of scouts who just talked shit about the players the whole game. Guess they didn't have much to look at in the Padres/Giants farm systems.

In between the zoo and the ballgame, I got dinner and some beers at a pub downtown. It was pretty empty, so I was talking to the bartender about Portland, and he mentioned that it was a nice city, but the pace of life is too slow. Later that night I was talking to a lady a couple years younger than me who said the exact same thing, the pace of life is too slow. She blamed it on the proliferation of breweries in town, and on marijuana consumption, which is profuse here. I'd never heard complaints about a slow-paced city before, usually its the opposite.

Alright its supposed to be like 925 degrees out today, even hotter than yesterday. I'm gonna lay low, maybe watch some movies, read some books. I've been told that Man on Wire is really good. And I am reading Norwegian Wood by Murakami, which is excellent so far. I just finished The Plot Against America, which may be the only written matter more boring than this blog.


Anonymous said...

What?! Ryan reading Murakami??? You are just full of surprises......

And then on top of that, I can't believe you got a chance to hold a snow leopard!!

cara said...

how jealous am i that you are holding the sweetest little feline in the whole world?! did you get to cuddle with the other animals too??!!

can i be you? seriously.